When he accepted a cell phone from his employer, John never guessed that a perk would save his life one day. Employee tracking solutions, gradually becoming necessity rather than splendour, intimated John’s employer that he met with a serious accident on field. His employer’s prompt action saved John’s life.
Big scale organisations, typically like pharmaceutical companies, recruit a massive sales force that is mostly on the field. Now, safety of employees has to be ensured while they are working on-site. Moreover, as people are working outside the office premises therefore it becomes a challenge to monitor their performance. For example, in some situations aberrant pharmaceutical employees who do not account to their doctor visits, need further monitoring to help increase productivity.
Axestrack provides Employee Tracking solution that allows organisations to manage and monitor huge work force. All you have to do is just install an app on your employee’s Android Smartphone and see their location information in real-time from a website or from your smart phone. This is not all, there is much more to it. To know more, go on reading the capabilities of our solution.